Finalising a serious character study for the my show of 'Stuck in the Glass Slipper'. No expense spared -top Botox job by recommended beauty clinic. Do you think anyone will notice? I wanted to create a hyperfeminine character very quickly, while onstage with an audience watching the process. Taking on a whole make-up routine was going to take too long so I needed to find something that resembled heavily applied make-up that was quick to apply. Praise be for Poundland! I came across these weird glutinous ,face mask, sticky things and some pre-glued false eyelashes. Ideal for the purpose and also quick to strip off, as the whole piece is only a minute long. The wig bit was a plaited hairband of nylon hair which I took apart and superglued to the inside of an old pair of sunglasses and Bingo, Blondie's yer auntie!
14.its a very different show
Updated: Oct 16, 2019